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Instituto de Fisiología Celular (IFC)


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Campos de conocimiento

Biología del Desarrollo
Biología Molecular y Celular de Microorganismos, Plantas y Animales
Genética y Fisiología Celular

Líneas de investigación

Biología del desarrollo , neurodesarrollo, neurogénesis adulta. Actualmente estamos centrados en investigar como es que la deficiencia de la PLPP3 afecta el desarrollo del sistema nervioso y la neurogénesis adulta empleando estrategias celulares, moleculares, bioquímicas y genéticas en el ratón.


Ren H, Panchatcharam M, Mueller P, Escalante-Alcalde D, Morris AJ, Smyth SS. (2013) Lipid phosphate phosphatase (LPP3) and vascular development. Biochim Biophys Acta. 183:126-132. (IF 4.1)

Manikandan Panchatcharam, Sumitra Miriyala, Abdelghaffar Salous, Anping Dong, Muller P, Manjula Sunkara, Diana Escalante-Alcalde, Andrew J. Morris, Susan S. Smyth. (2013) Lipid phosphate phosphatase-3 negatively regulates smooth muscle cell phenotypic modulation and limits neotimal hyperplasia. Arterioscl Thromb & Vasc Biol 33:52-59. (IF 5.5)

Panchatcharam M, Salous A, Miriyala S, Wheeler J, Patil P, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Escalante-Alcalde D and Smyth SS (2014). Mice with targeted inactivation of Ppap2b in endothelial and hematopoietic cells display enhanced vascular inflammation and permeability. Arterioscl Thromb & Vasc Biol. 34:837-845. (IF 6.0)

Morales-Lázaro SL, Serrano-Flores B, Llorente I, Hernández-García E, González-Ramírez R, Banerjee S, Miller D, Gududuru V, Fells J, Norman D, Tigyi G, Escalante-Alcalde D, and Rosenbaum T. (2014) Structural determinants of TRPV1 activation by phospholipid analogs. J Biol Chem. 289:24079-24090. (IF4.5)

Ramos-Perez WD, Fang V, Escalante-Alcalde D, Cammer M, Schwab SR. "A map of sphingosine 1-phosphate distribution in the spleen". Nature Immunology 16:1245-1252. (IF 20)

Gómez-López S, Martínez-Silva V, Montiel T, Osorio-Gomez D, Bermúdez-Rattoni F, Massieu L, Escalante-Alcalde D*. Neural ablation of the PARK10 candidate Plpp3 leads to dopaminergic transmission de cits without neurodegeneration. Nature Scientific Reports 6:24028 (IF 5.57) *Corresponding author

Busnelli, M., Manzini, S., Hilvo, M., Parolini, C., Ganzetti, G.S., Dellera, F., Ekroos, K., Jänis, M., Escalante-Alcalde, D., Sirtori, C.R., Laaksonen, R., Chiesa, G (2017) Liver-specific deletion of the Plpp3 gene alters plasma lipid composition and worsens atherosclerosis in apoE -/- mice. Nature Scientific Reports 7:44503 (IF 5.57).

Chandra M, Escalante-Alcalde D, Bhuiyan S, Orr AW, Kevil C, Morris AJ, Nam H, Dominic P, McCarthy KJ, Miriyala S, Panchatcharam M. (2018) Cardiac-specific inactivation of LPP3 in mice leads to myocardial dysfunction and heart failure. Redox Biology 14:261-271 (IF6.3)

Busnellia M, Manzinia S, Parolinia C, Escalante-Alcalde D, Chiesa G. (2018) Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 in vascular pathophysiology. Atherosclerosis (in press) (IF4.2).

Lorenzo Federico; Liping Yang; Jason Brandon; Manikandan Panchatcharam; Hongmei Ren; Paul Mueller; Manjula Sunkara; Diana Escalante-Alcalde; Andrew J Morris; Susan Smyth. Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 regulates adipocyte sphingolipid synthesis, but not developmental adipogenesis or diet-induced obesity in mice. PlosOne (Aceptado)
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