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Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IIB)


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Campos de conocimiento

Fisiología Molecular

Líneas de investigación

Caracterización de los biomarcadores sensibles y relevantes en la determinación del daño a la salud y al ambiente por agentes tóxicos


49) Gamiño-Gutiérrez S. P., González Pérez C.I., Gonsebatt M.E. and Monroy-Fernández M.G. Arsenic and lead contamination in urban soils of Villa de la Paz (Mexico) affected by historical mine wastes and its effect on children´s health. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 35: 37-51, 2013. F.I. 1.66

50) Martínez-Ramírez O.C., Castro C., Casas L., Valdés-Flores M., Gonsebatt M.E., Pérez-Morales R., Soto-Cruz K.E., Astorga-Ramos A., Rubio J. Polymorphisms of catechol estrogens metabolism pathway genes and breast cancer risk in Mexican women. The Breast 22: 335-343, 2013. F.I. 2.491.

51) Valdovinos-Flores, C. and Gonsebatt M.E. (corresponding author). Nerve growth factor (NGF) exhibits an antioxidant and an autocrine activity in mouse liver that is modulated by buthionine sulfoximine, arsenic and acetaminophen. Free Radical Research 47: 404-412, 2013 (doi: 10.3109/10715762.2013.783210) F.I. 3.279

52) Molina E., Pérez-Morales R., Rubio J., Petrosyan P., Hernández-Cadena L., Arlt V.M., Phillips D.H., Gonsebatt M.E. (corresponding author). The GSTM1null (deletion) and MGMT84 rs12917 (Phe/Phe) haplotype are associated with bulky DNA adduct levels in human leukocytes. Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 758: 62-68, 2013 F.I. 2.220.

53) Pérez-Morales R., Méndez-Ramírez I., Moreno-Macías H., Mendoza-Posadas A., Martínez-Ramírez O.C., Hernández-Castro C. Gonsebatt M.E. and Rubio J. Genetic susceptibility to lung cancer based on candidate genes in a sample from the Mexican Mestizo population: A case-control study. Lung 192: 167-173, 2014 F.I. 2.06.

54) Silva Adaya D., Gonsebatt M.E., Guevara Fonseva J. Thioredoxin system regulation in the Central Nervous System: experimental models and clinical evidence. Oxidative Medicine and CellularLongevity 13 pag. 2014 doi:10.1155/2014/590808, F.I:3.39

55) Ramos-Chávez L.A., Rendón-López C.R.R., Zepeda A., Silva-Adaya D., Del Razo L.M., Gonsebatt, M.E. (corresponding author) Neurological effects of inorganic arsenic exposure: altered cysteine/glutamate transport, NMDA expression and spatial memory impairment. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Volumen 9. 2015. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00021. F.I.4.469.

56) Salcido-Neyoy M.E., Sánchez-Pérez Y., Osornio-Vargas A.R., Gonsebatt M.E., Meléndez-Zajgla J., Morales-Bárcenas R., Petrosyan P., Molina-Servin E.D., Vega E., Manzano-León N., García-Cuellar C.M. Induction of c-jun by air particulate matter (pm10) of Mexico City: participation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Pollution 203: 175-182, 2015 F.I. 3.9.

57) Martínez-Ramírez O.C., Pérez-Morales R., Petrosyan P., Castro-Hernández C., Gonsebatt M.E., Rubio J. Differences in 4-hydroxyestradiol levels in leukocytes are related to CYP1A1*2C, CYP1B1*3 and COMT Val158Met allelic variants. Steroids 102: 1-6, 2015. F.I. 2.639.

58) Garza Lombó C. and Gonsebatt M. E. (corresponding author) Mammalian target of rapamycin: its role in early neural development and in adult and aged brain function. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16 Junio 2016 F.I. 4.609 .

59) Limón-Pacheco J. H., Valdovinos-Flores C., Navarrete-León R.M. and Gonsebatt M.E. (corresponding author) Acetaminophen induces the transcription of the antioxidant proteins thioredoxin 1 and glutaredoxin in the brain and liver of BALB/c mouse. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 35 (9): 1-7, 2016. F.I. 0.372.

60) Nelson-Mora J., Escobar M.L., Rodríguez-Durán L., Massieu L., Montiel T., Rodríguez V.M., Hernández-Mercado K., Gonsebatt M. E. (corresponding author) Gestational exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs3+) (iAs3+) alters Glutamate disposition in the mouse hippocampus and ionotropic glutamate receptor expression leading to memory impairment. Archives of Toxicology, 92(3): 1037-1048, 2018., 2017 F.I. 5.901.

61) Garza-Lombó C., Posadas Y., Quintanar L., Gonsebatt M.E., Franco R. Neurotoxicity linked to dysfunctional metal ion homeostasis and xenobiotic metal exposure: Redox signaling and oxidative stress. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2018 aceptado DOI: 10.1089/ars.2017.7272 F.I. 6.3

62) Bautista F., Gonsebatt M.E., Cejudo R., Goguitchaichvili A., Delgado C., Morales J. Evidence of small ferromagnetic contrations in mice (Mus musculus) livers and kidneys exposed to the urban dusts: a reconnaissance study. Geofísica Interacional 57-1: 317-333, 2018 (aceptado) F.I. 0.508

63) Limón-Pacheco J. H., Jiménez-Córdova M. I., Cárdenas-González M., Sánchez Retana I. M, Gonsebatt M.E., Del Razo M. Potential co-exposure to arsenic and fluoride and biomonitoring equivalents for Mexican children. Annals of Gobal Health 2017 (aceptado) F.I. 1.833.

64) Rivera-Olvera A., Nelson-Mora J., Gonsebatt M.E, Escobar M.L. Extinction of aversive taste memory homeostatically prevents the maintenance of in vivo insular cortex LTP: calcineurin participation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2018 (aceptado) F.I. 3.543.

65) Garza-Lombó C., Posadas Y., Quintanar L., Gonsebatt M.E., Franco R. Neurotoxicity linked to dysfunctional metal ion homeostasis and xenobiotic metal exposure: Redox signaling and oxidative stress. Antioxidant and Redox Signaling, 2018 F.I. 6.3 aceptado
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